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The fashion industry is one of the most polluting...

One of Waïloa's objectives is to help you consume better and understand why you should be careful about what you buy. As a young company, we are constantly looking for solutions for improvement. The first that we put in place is the selection of our factories, our fibers and our labels.

Each product sheet includes the labels or certifications of each product (if it benefits from labels or certifications) in order to best guide you in your choices.

To support you in this “ Buy less, choose well, make it last ” (cc Vivienne Westood) approach, we invite you to discover below the labels and certifications from which Waïloa benefits.


Zero waste company

In 2022, Waïloa obtains its first official label and can be rewarded for its efforts. Please note, this label does not mean that we have no waste. It is an operation which consists of promoting, by obtaining the “ Zero Waste Company ” brand, companies which implement concrete actions allowing the reduction of waste . At Waïloa, we sort our waste, we reuse fabric scraps to make bows for children, for example. Our tags are seeded and can be planted to grow beautiful daisies. We offer washable cottons to encourage our consumers to reduce their waste. Our packaging is made of kraft, cardboard or corn starch.

Ecological transition for artisans - CMA
Il s'agit d'un logo avec un fond rouge et des lettres blanches. Le logo est composé d'une croix avec le mot "WEAR" écrit horizontalement et le mot "FAIR" écrit verticalement. Les lettres sont centrées sur un fond rouge rectangulaire.


Fair Wear Foundation

The Fair Wear Foundation label is a certification that improves the working conditions of employees in our partner factories.

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Il s'agit d'un logo circulaire avec un fond vert et une bordure blanche. Au centre, il y a un symbole blanc qui ressemble à une montagne avec deux sommets et un soleil levant derrière. Autour du cercle, il y a du texte en majuscules qui dit "GLOBAL ORGANIC TEXTILE STANDARD" avec les mots "GLOBAL" et "STANDARD" en haut et "ORGANIC TEXTILE" en bas. En dessous du cercle, il y a l'acronyme "GOTS" en lettres majuscules.


GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard

The GOTS standard is known worldwide for certifying organic fibers and textiles. It is based in particular on ecological and social criteria across the entire production chain.

L'image montre un logo avec le texte "OEKO-TEX®" suivi de "STANDARD 100". Sous le texte, il y a un symbole qui ressemble à une fleur avec plusieurs cercles et points autour.


Oeko-Tex Standard 100

Oeko-Tex Standard 100 guarantees the absence of toxic products for the body and the environment.

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Le texte est écrit en majuscules et dit "PETA APPROVED VEGAN". Le mot "VEGAN" est au centre et est le plus grand, tandis que "PETA APPROVED" est écrit au-dessus et en dessous de "VEGAN", avec "PETA" au-dessus et "APPROVED" en dessous. Il y a des lignes courbes au-dessus et en dessous du mot "VEGAN" qui encadrent le texte.


Peta approved Vegan

The PETA approved VEGAN label certifies that your product does not contain any animal fibers .

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Il s'agit d'un logo circulaire avec un anneau extérieur vert et un anneau intérieur blanc. Au centre, il y a une feuille verte stylisée. Autour de la feuille, le texte "ORGANIC" est écrit en haut et "standard" en bas, tous deux dans l'anneau blanc. Le mot "ORGANIC" est écrit en lettres majuscules et "standard" en minuscules.


Organic 100 Content Standard

Organic 100 Content Standard certifies that your product is organic. Its little extra: it helps farmers convert to organic and increase their production.

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Global Recycled Standard

According to Textile Exchange : “ GRS has three main objectives:

  • Align definitions of “recycled” across different applications.
  • Check the recycled content of products.
  • Give brands and consumers a way to make informed purchasing decisions.”
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Label certification vegan


EVE - Vegan

EVE Vegan® is an international standard ensuring that textile products are 100% vegan.

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And many more to come...