Born from a trip to California, created at the foot of the Pyrenees.

La photo montre une machine à coudre avec du tissu à motif de palmiers en noir et blanc qui est en train d'être cousu. La photo est prise de côté et légèrement en angle, montrant le pied-de-biche et l'aiguille en position abaissée sur le tissu. Il semble que la couture soit en cours.


Birth of the idea

After a DUT in marketing techniques, Léa is heading to a fashion school in Toulouse where she will study Fashion and Luxury Management & Marketing. At that time, Léa always dreamed of working for major luxury brands. However, over the course of her studies, she realizes that the prestigious universe does not match her values . For her final thesis, she decided to create her own brand to prove that fairer and healthier fashion is possible.

Waïloa was born in 2019 .

Léa est la créatrice de la marque Waïloa. Elle expose fièrement sa première collection à Tarbes dans son atelier privé.

#June 2021

Official launch

After constantly mulling over her brand, Léa decided to launch into entrepreneurship and create her website from A to Z. In order to finance her brand, she decides to opt for a self-financing strategy without investing a lot of savings. Léa then begins to make hair accessories, bibs, zero waste products such as washable cotton pads or makeup remover gloves to sell them. in the market, during events and on its website. Waïloa quickly developed.

La photo montre deux femmes qui se font face et sourient largement. Elles semblent heureuses et complices. L'une porte des boucles d'oreilles en perles et un sweat écru avec unpalmier brodé côté coeur. Leurs cheveux sont blonds et lâchés pour celle de droite, coiffé en tresse pour celle de gauche. La photo est prise en bord de mer avec un fond flou clair.

#July 2021

Launch of the Clothing range

It is thanks to the sale of her accessories that Léa is able to invest in her first t-shirts for women, men and children.

Classic, organic and/or recycled for the majority & timeless , the first products were very successful, which therefore allowed the brand to launch new products.

La photo montre cinq t-shirts suspendus sur des cintres en bois. Le t-shirt le plus proche est de couleur rose pâle avec une broderie noire "wave" stylisé. Les autres t-shirts sont respectivement de couleur kaki, blanc, beige et noir, et ils sont suspendus plus en arrière.

#April 2022

Ulule & Waïloa in Paris!

In April 2022, Waïloa is launching a crowdfunding campaign on Ulule in order to finance its first collection. Following this, Waïloa had the chance to have a temporary stand at the BHV Marais in Paris for a week where the brand was able to present its products to its Parisian customers. Also, in 2022, Waïloa obtains its ZERO WASTE label awarded by the Occitanie Chamber of Trades. A great proof to reward our efforts.

Une famille assise en bord de mer habillé en Waïloa


New start...

In 2023, Waïloa wants to prove that it represents a clothing brand in its own right and move away from its artisanal image. The first logo was designed by its creator. A brand designer reworked the entire visual identity of the brand, with an even stronger and more impactful meaning . Waïloa is increasing its efforts on sustainability, since in 2023, seeded labels will appear.